ООО "НПФ СВИФТ" "Ржавчине - НЕТ!"        Тел.: 8-917-2-666-762, Казань - Ростов, контакты

Грунт ПФ-0131 - отечественный аналог английской грунтовки Hammerite! 

Внимание! Проверенная годами патентованная технология защиты!

Грунтовка ПФ-0131 - прямо по ржавчине!

  • Минимальные усилия для предварительной подготовки поверхности 
  • Долговременная защита от коррозии всех металлических конструкций



10 января 2020
С 2020 года фирма ООО "Евроснаб" является диллером ООО "НПФ Свифт"
1 марта 2019
В ближайшее время планируется запуск производства грунта ПФ-0131 СЕРОГО цвета.
25 января 2019
С этого года наша фирма начала сотрудничество с Торговым Домом "Сингер".

Архив новостей


ПФ-0131  ТУ 2312-003-27552940-99

Single-component primer coating is based on an alkyd varnish.

It contains a modifier of rust and special ingredients.

It penetrates into the microcracks and interstices of metal.

It brings to a stop in the beginning of corrosion and prevents from corrosion extension over a metal surface owing to the formation of solid insoluble chelates, which associate fixedly a polymeric component of the primer coating with a metal surface.

Main Characteristics and Competitiveness


Priming of metallic surfaces with corrosion prevention

Particular qualities:

  • It can be applied directly onto a rusty metallic surface
  • It provides long lasting protection
  • Environmental safety - not toxic! It requires minimal individual protection
  • Minimal efforts for preliminary surface preparation - Rust layer up to 100 micron may stay on a surface and does not degrade the undercoat quality
  • Broad range of application – all kinds of metal-ware, pipelines, communications from steel, cast iron and light-metal alloy working in natural environment
  • It guarantees corrosion protection including out-of-the-way places
  • Low cost comparable with analogues:
    • ПФ-0131  (Russia) $ 7 per kg
    • Plomb Roststopper (Sweden) $11 per kg
    • Hammerite (England) $13 per kg
  • Pay-back period is very short
  • Handy Packing - tins in 50 kg and 0.9 kg;

Confirmation and acknowledgement

High quality of the primer coating ПФ-0131 ТУ 2312-003-27552940-99 was confirmed by using in many branches of industry:

  • Railway (carriages painting)
  • Dyeing industry (high corrosive medium)
  • Stock-raising building (ammonia medium)
  • Motor-car repairing
  • Bridge building
  • Overground communications and superstructures of the Russian Joint-Stock Company "Gazprom"  

Primer coating ПФ-0131 has a recommendation by the K.D. Pamfilov Academy of Municipal Economy, Moscow (for heating steel pipelines and others).

Primer coating ПФ-0131  is included into guidelines of the Opening Joint-Stock Company "Rosgazificatsiya".

Primer coating ПФ-0131  has permission by the Russian Sea Navigation Register and the Russian River Register for using it during the construction and repair of ships, vessels, boats and other watercrafts.

ООО "НПФ СВИФТ" © 2012-2019
Тел.: 8-917-2-666-762 (г. Казань)

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